Thursday 5 January 2012

Lady Gaga - Target audience

Lady Gaga's target audience is predominantly teenagers to early 30's, women enjoy Lady Gaga and she is a very successful woman who people aspire to be, men enjoy Lady Gaga as she has sex appeal and she arouses the male gaze, which men fantasise about. On the socio-economic scale she targets the D-E category mainly students. Eventhough she has a mass audience and publicity that view her.

Lady Gaga's audience has changes over time. To her young audience, Lady Gaga is the epitome of creativity, which is why she is so successful. But on a cursory glance, Lady Gaga is recycling old ideas. She takes her cues from Andy Warhol, Queen, Grace Jones, Prince, David Bowie and Madonna. Her fans think that she is something new, and different, and rebellious, which is the paradox of creativity in pop-culture. In pop culture, the market replenishes itself with new young faces every decade or so. Most of Gaga’s fans weren’t even alive over 20 or 30 years ago. Her audience began very small, due to her controversial ideas, such as promoting sex and violence in her videos, wearing meat clothing, and some audiences believe that Lady Gaga is a man. Now the audience has grown overtime as they have accepted her.

How do different aspects of her career appeal to different audiences? Lady Gaga writes her own songs, which shows she is a very clever and successful business woman, this side of her career would appeal to upcoming artists and wanabe's. She is different and controversial which would appeal to the audience who want to be different from the crowd. She is famous, good looking, and wealthy which would appeal to most audiences.

Lady Gaga is a positive female role model as she is a successful business woman, who writes her own songs and encourages people to be different in their own way. Secondly, her songs such as 'Born this way' and 'Alejandro' encourage audiences to be themselves as they were born that way. However, she is a negative role model, as she promotes sex, violence and crime in a good way, in songs such as; 'I like it rough', 'Telephone' and 'Pokerface'. She has controversial views such as when she wore raw meat, real fur and on a live performance she had blood dripping down her body. These issues lost Gaga alot of her audience and followers, as she is representing herself to a younger audience as bad and that this is good, which they then will follow.

1 comment:

  1. Some very good comments, Lavinia. Include some quotations to back up your comments.
